10 Signs You would Benefit from Couples Therapy
Relationships can be challenging. Learning to balance careers, families, social obligations, and household duties seems to get in the way. All of that can lead to tension and stress in a relationship. Then when you add in conflict, arguments, and the small jagged words you throw at each other in anger, it creates even more tension. Relationships are like an emotional rollercoaster with just as many downs as there can be ups.
There comes a time when every couple knows something has to give. You can’t keep going down the same road that you have been. It may be time to get extra support if you can relate to this. If you aren’t sure if you could benefit from couples therapy, here are 10 signs you might.
1. Conflict
Does every little thing seem to turn into a heated argument? Are you constantly throwing out unkind words? Or name-calling? These are signs that something just isn’t meshing between the two of you. There are likely underlying issues that go beyond the argument. Or maybe there are still unresolved issues. Most of this results from a communication breakdown, but that doesn’t mean all hope is lost.
2. Big Changes Are Coming
In the near future, are you making a transition as a couple? Maybe you are getting married or planning on having children soon. Or perhaps one of you will be starting a new job, or there is a big move in your near future. Let’s face it; significant changes usually lead to tension and stress in a relationship. Couples counseling can help you ease into whatever transition lies ahead.
3. You Want To Improve Communication
Being able to communicate effectively and listen in a relationship is crucial to its success. If you want to build healthy communication systems and collaborate on life dreams, couples counseling can help you get there.
4. You Feel Disconnected
Relationships change over time; it’s inevitable. However, if you feel disconnected from your partner, as if they are a stranger, you may be ready for a change. Couples counseling can help you figure out why there is a disconnection and help repair those bonds.
5. Differences In Values
Everyone comes with a past and what they have learned to value. Values such as careers, money, sex, and family can cause tension when you are on different pages. Maybe there is a conflict with how you both perceive specific values. The goal with couples counseling is not to get you on the same exact page; rather, it’s to learn to value the differences in what you see as important. It can help you respect your partner, find common ground, and compromise.
6. Arguing About The Same Things
Do you find yourselves arguing about the same exact thing? Over and over again? With no resolution? When conflict is not resolved and keeps coming up, it could be a sign that there are other underlying issues at play.
7. Infidelity
When someone has strayed in a relationship, it can lead to tension, stress, and distrust. Counseling can help you overcome even the toughest of problems.
8. Communication About Sex
Sex can add to closeness in a relationship or tear it apart. If you can’t communicate about sex and each other’s needs without arguing, it could be time to fix that.
9. You’re Ready To Tell Them Something
Do you have a secret you know you need to tell your spouse or partner? If you are ready to come clean about something, doing so in couples counseling can help make this a little easier.
10. Are We Even In Love Still?
Finally, maybe you are questioning if you are even in love anymore. You are great friends and have a great relationship, but that spark you once felt feels as if it has dimmed.
Only you know when you are ready to begin the process of change. Couples therapy is there for you when you are ready and need it. Contact me today for a free consultation.