Online Infidelity: What it is & Its Impact on Relationships
“Why are they always on their phone?”
“How can they constantly smile at their phone, then say, ‘Nothing,’ or make an excuse when asked what they are looking at?”
If this type of behavior has been going on for a while and you suspect something else is happening, you may want to call them out on it. Or, maybe you know for certain that they have a virtual friendship, but you think something more is happening. In cases like this, it is called online infidelity.
There are definitely some big challenges if online infidelity is present in your relationship. Let’s define what this is and how it can affect relationships.
What Is Online Infidelity?
Infidelity is most often associated with physical or emotional affairs. So is online cheating any different?
Unfortunately, no, it isn’t. It is still an act where unfaithfulness, in some capacity, is occurring; it’s just taking place online. But there is also no single definition of what online infidelity looks like.
Online infidelity is difficult to define because every couple needs to decide what cheating means for them, both online and physically. Is it hanging out regularly with the opposite sex without each other? Or is it only limited to physical touch or emotional connecting with someone else on a strong level? For online, is it defined that any person you talk to regularly online is cheating if it is kept a secret? Is it viewing sexually explicit content online or sending it?
We live in a modern society, which often causes real problems in relationships. Let’s take a look at how online infidelity affects relationships.
Online Infidelity And Its Impact
It Breaks Trust
Trust is one of the most important foundations of a relationship or marriage. So when trust is lost in a relationship because of cheating, it can cause many problems in the relationship. The person being cheated on may question whether or not it has happened before or in other ways. Or what other things the person committing online infidelity has lied about.
Physical Intimacy Issues
If online infidelity is occurring, it can really put a complete halt to things in the bedroom. It causes the person who was cheated on to question themselves and their own desirability for their partner. It is hard to feel comfortable letting the person who cheated on you even remotely near you.
It’s A Cause For Constant Conflict
It probably isn’t surprising to hear that a couple will regularly argue about what happened after online infidelity (or other forms of cheating). Even if the person who committed the act apologizes, the other may not accept it, which can cause both people to feel extremely frustrated and lash out at one another.
How To Heal From Infidelity
Just because infidelity occurs does not mean that it is going to be the end of your relationship. It’s going to be challenging, and you are both going to feel a lot of things come up emotionally. Give yourself the space to be angry and hurt. You shouldn’t have to feel bad for being upset about something that happened to you.
If you were the one who cheated, know that your partner is really struggling right now and isn’t going to just forgive you as easily as you want. Apologies are helpful, but that doesn’t mean someone can get over it without processing it.
If you are concerned about the future of your relationship, I urge you to both come to couples counseling. Working with a therapist and an outside viewpoint can help you work through this in a way that could save your relationship. Reach out to me for support and guidance to repair your relationship.